Friday, January 6, 2012

When should I plant the "Wildflowers Premium Mix" that I got and where?

It's a mix of a beautiful array of wildflowers including Baby's Breath, Cornflower Tall Blue, SIberiaan Wallfower, Scarlet Flax, Rose Mallow, Shirley Poppy, Catchfly, Black-Eyed Sunsan, and a bunch more! It says it'll plant 50 to 70 square feet! It says it should be planted in full sun but most of my yard is mostly shaded, would they still come up or should I maybe plant them in my neighbor's empty field (they won't mind)? Will I have to spray them since we have many deer and rabbits around my area. Oh, I live in SouthWest Michigan. It had been between 50 degrees to 75 degress the past few weeks. It still gets very chilly at night but the danger of frost is almost over. So, would NOW be a good time to plant them and what's the best way to plant them? THANKS! AND THANKS IF YOU ANSWERED MY DAFFODIL/TULIP QUESTION AS WELL! I JUST LOVE SPRING AND I JUST LOVE FLOWERS! Oh, when should these bloom if I plant them today???

When should I plant the "Wildflowers Premium Mix" that I got and where?
I'm in SW Michigan, too! And I just bought a wildflower mix as well.

The box says early spring (that's now) or late in the year so they have time to become established. Early spring is good. In nature, the seeds will be on the ground all winter and then come up naturally in the spring with the rain and warmer weather.

The key will be keeping them wet. You should put some straw over the top of them and water them a couple of times per day until they are looking healthy. Leave the straw, it will help hold moisture as the summer goes on. Again, watering in the summer will get you much prettier and more blooms.

Most will bloom mid to late summer. many of the flowers will be even bigger next year as their root systems get bigger. Some may not come back next year if they are annuals.

Good luck!
Reply:if you planted them today they should start coming up 6 to 8 weeks from know blooming july or august.

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