Friday, January 6, 2012

Themes in life?

Have you notice how all thinhgs medical are always so pure, crisp and acreate; but always green and blue?

Have you noticed that the police always are first to blame dispite scientific reasoning to establish if someone is guilty before insisting that they are. Everything is indigo and blue.

Have you noticed how people who like heavy metal and motorbikes, everything is black?

Have you noticed that everything to do with babies is always like flumps and is pink, cream and pale blue? That everything seems to be made of cornflower and talc powder?

Have you noticed that all computer have to make bleep niose rather that anything else. They always have to look as if they are actually space-ships?

It is like pirates always have to skull and cross bones, as well as a treasure map. One thing always follows something else in this way.

Would you agree that everything has have a theme?


Themes in life?
Yes, themes or flavors, so to speak.

Often there is an association to the planets and the colors or feeling associated with them.

ie, Mercury represents medicine or finance and the color associated is green.

Black is Saturn, white is the moon, orange is Mars/business or sports, yellow is Jupiter/children , and so on.

Perhaps you detect a subtle correlation.
Reply:It is true that every thing natural or otherwise have a theme which somehow justify its existence. The reasons behind existence of theme may include:

- To give some physical significance to the things planned;

- To clarify its objectives and roles;

- To introduce the idea and invite discussion;

- To attract attention of prospective customers;

- To give an idea of the things to come:

- To make one attentive and careful for the consequences.Etc.

Therefore, everything has a theme which acts like a preamble to its introduction.


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